Gonna scale back posting, probably to the point of largely not for a indefinite period of time so as not to completely exhaust myself while some irl stuff is going on. Changed a bunch of stuff around in my life, and physically having to get used to it, so coming home after work bone tired. Decided for my sanity and healh, I should prooooobably not listen to that part of me that tries to treat eka's like a workload I have to keep producing for, so just gonna take a break for a bit and declare it. Pretty sure a lot of artists know the feeling, you get this feeling like you HAVE to do something and it bops up the stress levels.
Message is mostly so people don't worry there's some artist existential failure going on. While I am mentally and physically exhausted right now, no health concerns or i'm leaving the internet forever messages. Just gonna take a mental vacation while I get used to things and also prioritize some spring cleaning over drawing boobies.
Comment on (Limited posting.)Taking a break for a bit so as not to burn out.
Seems to be an epidemic of artist burnout going around. Be safe and take care, I’d hate for another artist I admire and respect to vanish the way Poegryn has.
I'm more dealing with changing a bunch of stuff around so new muscle groups are being used so tired XD plus learning some new stuff so mentally fatiqued, combined with the cities transit having been under repair during it, so i had an hour twenty minute trips to work each way. XD just needed to have my quiet time when i got home with no stress XD.
Its completely fine to take breaks. Specially if you're going through some IRL turmoil. Take as long as you need, your sanity and well being is always gonna be your number 1 priority.
Do some other stuff you like, take time for whatever you feel like doing, but just give yourself some time to unwind and, eventually, you'll feel better.
Wishing you the best <3 take care my friend
Posted by ThatDamnHat 10 months ago Report
Get well soon ^^
Posted by umakeisee 10 months ago Report
Take your time. Better to get things sorted than force yourself.
Posted by Espurr 10 months ago Report
You have been around for over a decade, take a break if you need to
Posted by Timinithis 10 months ago Report
No worries, Mate. Boobs are important, but nothing is more important than your mental and physical health.
Posted by CookingMeat 10 months ago Report
Seems to be an epidemic of artist burnout going around. Be safe and take care, I’d hate for another artist I admire and respect to vanish the way Poegryn has.
Posted by jimsugomi 10 months ago Report
I'm more dealing with changing a bunch of stuff around so new muscle groups are being used so tired XD plus learning some new stuff so mentally fatiqued, combined with the cities transit having been under repair during it, so i had an hour twenty minute trips to work each way. XD just needed to have my quiet time when i got home with no stress XD.
Posted by overlordxu 10 months ago Report
Take care friend! Hope you feel better soon! We will always support your great work!
Posted by AshenWraith 10 months ago Report
Its completely fine to take breaks. Specially if you're going through some IRL turmoil. Take as long as you need, your sanity and well being is always gonna be your number 1 priority.
Do some other stuff you like, take time for whatever you feel like doing, but just give yourself some time to unwind and, eventually, you'll feel better.
Wishing you the best <3 take care my friend